Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9

If you have time, read the comments our group makes. They give great ideas and are very amusing! Today, getting distracted from paying a bill, I quickly sorted through my "catch-all" drawer and threw out some miniscule pencils, pen tops (missing their pens), a metal nut, and found a hole punch that belongs at school. Now everything in that drawer is usable.


  1. finished sorting through and cleaning off the top shelf of my shelf project. threw away 1 item, put 1 beanie baby in the yard sale pile, and put a couple other items away. 1 shelf down, 4 more to go!

  2. *jamckeen, you are doing great simplifying! I'm wondering if we should take before and after pictures of some of our "trouble spots."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I cleared out about a dozen issues of Better Hones and Gardens magazine from 2006-2007. I love the magazine, but I often have a hard time disposing of the back issues because of the craft ideas, gardening tips, decorating ideas, and recipes. I went through and pulled out the recipe pages that go in the 3 ring binder Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, and the rest went into the trash.

  5. sorted through shelf #2 while keeping daughter #1 company as she "borrowed" my computer for a while. :) put 1 item in yard sale bag; 1 item in "give away" box; and threw away several more things. took a picture - will put it as my profile pic at some point.

  6. Heidi, I am following along and just trying to do the things that you are doing. I was not pleased with the idea of cleaning out the "junk drawer" in my kitchen. It really wasn't that bad. I bought an organizer for it a couple of years ago. I cut apart the labels for each section (i.e. tape, scissors, etc.) Today I excused myself from sticking the labels to the sections where the stuff belongs. (That is too much of a commitment.) I also gave myself permission to keep seasons passes from Kings Dominion from myself & all three boys. They are not useful, but they are beautiful to me. 24 cent postcard stamps and 41 cent stamps are going in my wallet for when I mail odd stuff. I am throwing out old notes of stuff I put in the freezer who knows when. And I put motrin in the pretty little pill container and put it in my purse so it will be there when I need it. Put the safety pins in my purse, too. Whoever needs a safety pin when they're in the kitchen?
