Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1: January 1, 2010

My day one "subtraction" is my 2009 calendar. People may say that doesn't count since I put up a new calendar. However, I have known individuals who save their used calendars for memories or who knows what. Please just get rid of it. Most likely you won't frame any of the pictures, and many of the "memories" will be similar in 2010. I did tear certain pictures off mine to use at school as they illustrate geographic features, but the pages are now in my school bag and the rest is in the trash.

Please comment to let me know what you got rid of!


  1. JAM: your idea of counting something gone when you list it on Ebay is a great idea.

  2. Funny you mentioned the 2009 calendar. I just took mine down & could not throw it away because my son Ben did the artwork on all the pages of that calendar! So...I have already put two things in the box-both kids clothing items. Oh, and I've told my kids they can join in w/one item per day. They will get a "bonus" on their allowance if they add items to the box. This is great, Heidi!

  3. 1 item of clothing in the bin along with several items of clothing sorted to be returned to their original owner. This reminds me a bit of those new year's resolutions to diet and exercise in that on day one I want to do more than 1 item, like when you first start exercising you want to do 50 push-ups instead of starting with just 5, or run 5 miles instead of walking 1 on the first day. I want to throw or give away 50 things. I'm thinking, why stop at one. But, would it, like the exercise resolution, fade away after a week or two or a day or two because it would be overwhelming? I'm holding myself back and sticking to 1 - at least to start!

  4. I thought and thought about what I could get rid of, so I cleaned out a closet and got rid of some sheets. They are in a bag OUTSIDE the house to go to somewhere else. Zechariah 4:10: "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work beginf..."

  5. thanks for the scripture verse Susan! That is awesome! :)

  6. orange rattan paper plate holders
    container of odd socks
    ...but I'm still holdin' on to the 2009 calendar! :o)

  7. I got rid of my 2009 calendar. The only interesting thing that I wrote in it was that Michael Jackson died on June 25. If I ever want to remember the date (probably not) then I'll just google it.

  8. January 1 - I'm doing this one item at a time very old dress that I have not worn since I had children and will most CERTAINLY not be able to wear again, and I'm keeping it.....WHY??? Going in the "Give Away" box because it's in such "good shape"!
