Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23: Phone Directories

I have a wooden box I made in high school shop class where our phone books and directories are kept. Going through it today, I found all kinds of phone directories from organizations I've been involved with: multiple years on the PTA, a couple churches, updates of all those, my daughter's theater groups, etc. I quickly scanned the older ones for any important numbers I'd penciled in like cell phones, wrote them in the newest edition, and threw away the rest. Now the box has the basics and there are no squished items on the bottom, unused.


  1. This makes me remember when there was only one phone book and it lasted all year. Now there are about six and they take up so much space. Add, to that, all of the little directories and you do have lots of clutter. This is an area that is my husband's clutter...I try to secretly dispose of one at a time so he doesn't notice. We have a drawer for those. When the drawer is full, out one goes! I love these little tips. They are very helpful. I am especially happy when it is an area that I have already 'taken care of' !!!!! :o)

  2. When I read your first sentence, I was worried that you were going to get rid of the wooden box you made in high school. I'm glad you just got rid of the extra phone books.

    Today, I went through a drawer with t-shirts and polo shirts. I got rid of two polo shirts with shoulder pads from the eighties - very dated! I found four practically new FFES shirts that I will never wear that I will bring to school. Two workout shirts were ready for the trash, but I cut them up and used them to polish my bedroom furniture with almond oil polish. Then I threw the rags away. I did keep an old t-shirt dated 1989 with my dad's picture on it from his 70th birthday party. To me, it's worth taking up space at the bottom of my drawer. (My dad celebrated his 90th birthday last August.)

  3. Give me strength! I'm going to go look in that Rubbermaid container FULL of t-shirts...should I set a goal right now? Should I get rid of 5 or 10? I'm gonna go for 10! Be back shortly with the results. If I find anything with should pads, it goes to GoodWill...NO QUESIONS ASKED!!!!!!!

  4. The good news is, no shoulder pads. The even better news is ----> 14 t-shirts in a bag for GoodWill...I guess that is my 'simplify' contribution for the day! Yeah!

  5. I had a great "simplify" day! My husband and I cleaned our garage. The garbage bin is almost full and trash day isn't until next Friday :O. I also finished cleaning, sorting and tossing from the closet in the "man cave". I have a big bag of things to take to GoodWill. Yeah, it was a really good simplify day :)
