Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7: Clothing Out of Style

It was tough for me, but into the Goodwill box went a beautiful circa 1991 paisley suit jacket my husband bought me after my 18 year old daughter was born. I guess I kept dreaming massive shoulder pads would come back into vogue. However, there's really no reason to take up space in the closet with it. Great work everyone. I really enjoy your comments!


  1. *Simplify - you should have taken a photo of that jacket for us! :) I started on the shelf today - I took a photo of it and am going to try to make it my profile pic! Anyway - organized one basket (top shelf, left side) which entailed throwing out 7 items, setting aside 1 item for return, and putting 2 items back into their proper places. This took all of five minutes or less. I think the time aspect is the most revealing thing so far. I never think I have enough time to get organized. But everything I've done so far has taken just about a minute or two.

  2. btw - we've done this for a whole week! :)

  3. I can't believe it's been a whole week! Only 51 to go....51x7....too much math. Today in the trash went 5 plastic placemats the children used years ago (they are much cleaner eaters now). In the Give Away box, 1 set of candle holders, 1 crocheted potholder I've never used, 1 set of 4 decorative plates, 1 bag of potpourri my husband bought for my BD at the dollar store, and 3 snowman platters my husband also bought me at the dollar store...see a pattern here??? I am also organizing shelves, but I'm NOT taking pictures! More tomorrow!

  4. Add to that 2 knives that my husband bought me at, flimsy, in the trash.

  5. I've been pretty successful except for one day...but then I put two things in there the next day. Two of my kids are participating too--not everyday but even a few items is okay with me! Mostly clothes, Christmas decor and toys, so far.

  6. I am putting a short sleeved brown suit in the goodwill pile. This may be considered cheating, as I took the suit out of a basket previously designated for goodwill pile, then reconsidered. But this suit is going out the door. I first thought I would go through the whole basket. I really like your idea of gitting rid of just one thing at a time.
