Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4: January 4, 2010

In the Goodwill bin today is a mug where the logo has been wiped or washed off. My question to you all is, how many mugs per person should there be in one household? When you are cooking turkey, they recommend 1 - 1.5 pounds per person. What about mugs?


  1. Another dress from the pre-children closet going in the "Give Away" box...I'm sure there is at least one woman out there who would feel lovely in this dress!!

  2. 4 articles of children's clothing into the give away box. Two piles created for returning clothing to the homes from wence they came. *Mugs ~ I think the mug supply depends on the # of mug users in the home. I personally am always on a quest for the perfect mug. It's gotta be the right size, the right thickness of ceramic/porcelain/
    pottery/stoneware (whatever), the right heftiness/weight, the handle has to feel right in my hand, the right color...yes, I have mug issues. However, I clean out the mug shelf once a year and don't have a problem throwing away mugs. :)

  3. No answer on the mug question. If you went by my cupboards it would probably be 10 per person.
    Today I cleaned off my dresser and threw away all the flotsam and jetsam that seems to collect there so easily.
    I really appreciate your blog (Kara invited me to join in the fun). I made up a number chart and taped it to my dresser mirror so I can check off every day that I get rid of something. Four down, three hundred sixty-one to go!

  4. Not parting with my mug collection! Today's contribution to the simplify habit is a container filled with make up that is "just not the right shade"... Why does this feel good????? Thanks, again, Heidi!

  5. Today I got rid of 4 t-shirts that my son outgrew. I did a mug reduction several years ago. I found it difficult to do. I am so attached to my stuff. But I did it. No excess mugs right now.

  6. Norman Rockwell mugs - set of 8, ordered soon after we were married - almost too beautiful and sentimental not to keep, but, never used, and not likely to be used. I brought them up from the basement, "assigned" them to family members & labeled them,and have placed them in our china cabinet so that the next time my extended family is here for a meal, I can give them all away.
