Saturday, February 13, 2010

Feb.13: Day 44 Keep Going!

Everyone can get rid of one thing per day, either by using it up, giving it away, returning or selling it, or (gulp) throwing it away. Keep it up!

I've begun my journeys into the scary attic. Found three chamois shirts my husband had slated for the give away bin last year that got stuck up there. Off they go!


  1. Found one more pepper mill - into the give-away box. Several expired food items into the trash.

  2. I missed out on simplifying yesterday! So, making it up for it today. I threw away five sets of playing cards and a clear acrylic box with no lid (remember the boxes for beanie babies). In the give-away box I put 2 sets of playing cards, sunglasses, a cookbook, and a wooden shelf that holds DVDs. This puts my item total at 203 for the year.

    I know that we are supposed to be getting rid of 1 item per day this year and that numbers are not the goal, but having a growing number is really helping me and I promise you that I could easily get rid of 5 things per day for a year in my house right now and barely make a dent!

  3. By days end, into the give-away box went a small food processor, a food chopper, a stoneware crock, an apple-peeler-corer-slicer and a salad spinner. Don't use them and they were taking up SO MUCH room in my cabinets! Wow! It sure feels great!

  4. Julie and Cheryl, GREAT work!! By all means, both of you, more than one thing per day is wonderful. It's a mindset as well as a goal we are working toward.
