You will see me refer to "Tupperware" more in future posts as it can be a collecting nightmare. As I was shoving some other item into a drawer, I couldn't figure out why the item wouldn't fit nicely. There, tucked into the back of the drawer were Tupperware sippy cup lids. My kids are 18 and 20. At one point a few years ago, I saw these lids and thought I would keep them for little kids who come to visit. Like that's happened...even if little ones did come, they usually have their own non-spill cups.
Bye-bye lids.
LOL! I've been enjoying your posts the last several days, although I have been unable to do any simplifying recently - I've been at home health attempting to "simplify" the visit schedule during the snow storms ;-) What I have to say is, "Been there, done that!" It's nice to know I'm not the only one with same issues as Heidi. I cleaned out my bathroom cabs/closet about a year ago and am keeping it well tupperware went about 6 months ago one day when I couldn't take it any more - now if I ever run out I just go get does feel so nice to have them clutter-free. Today I did manage to throw away one pepper mill that no longer grinds. I'm thinkin' of how I can dispose of a spouse that has spent far too much time home with me cuz the government is closed.....any ideas??
ReplyDeleteCheryl, how would the snow bound spouse respond to decluttering any of his areas? Mine wouldn't go for it, but maybe yours is feeling bored???
ReplyDeleteMy snowbound spouse did our taxes yesterday. We owe money so it's not good news, but at least it's done! I went with him to the downtown post office, and we stopped by Ulman's where I bought a Vera Bradley bag for 50% off.
ReplyDeleteToday I got rid of more items from my bathroom medicine cabinet including several contact lens cases. New bottles of solution usually come with new cases.
Thanks for your suggestion. Snow bound spouse thinks wife is the only one with any problems. Would not respond well to wife asking him to simplify anything. BTW, he does not know about this blog or about my goals. I'm waiting for him to "notice" things are better. May take a lightening bolt or something. I sure hope DC is open tomorrow.
ReplyDelete24 articles of clothing in give-away box; 4 articles of clothing set aside to be returned to original owner; 1 crazy woman wishing the snow would melt so she could go to Goodwill!!!!!