Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 57: House Plants

For some people, house plants can thrive in their homes. Mine always languish, and it's probably my fault for not being more diligent in caring for them. For me, having house plants is that little voice in the back of my head saying, "Leaves are turning brown...why don't you do something beyond watering?" I really don't care that much or have time, so for me to have house plants, it clutters up my head.

For those of you who enjoy caring for them, I think it's great. I threw one away that has been slowly losing ground, so to speak. I feel like I don't have to worry about it anymore! With another bamboo plant, it was going downhill at school and I set it with my end-of-the-year stuff to throw out. One of our custodians saw it and asked if she could have it. I was happy she wanted it. Now, almost every time our paths cross, she tells me how much bigger it is, how she cares for it, how it is flourishing. O.K., I know when I'm beaten and don't have a talent for houseplant care. I'm happy for that little bamboo (and that it's out of my house/life!)


  1. I threw out a pot with a long dead plant in it this week too. I have another one I wasn't quite ready to give up on yet, but you have given me the resolve to acknowledge the truth and toss it too. I have a black thumb and I really shouldn't subject houseplants to it!

  2. Preaching to the pathetic, plant-growing choir here! I gave up on plants a LONG time ago! :)

    3 articles of clothing into the give-away box, 2 old food items removed from a cupboard. I looked at them and just knew I had to throw them away instead of ignore them like I have for the past two years! Progress! :)
