Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 55: Stuff That Comes With Other Stuff

Sometimes when we buy one thing, something else automatically accompanies it and then we keep both items. I am giving away a store brand suit bag that came with one of my husband's suits a LONG time ago. It hasn't been ever used except bringing home the suit. If the accompanying item isn't something you want, get rid of it immediately. Some other person may have use for it and you won't need to store it.

1 comment:

  1. I guess sometimes simplifying comes about by accident. I have several older bags/totes hanging on a nail in the basement. They have been there for ages - totes that I am sort of "over" but not ready to part know what I mean. I had grabbed a tote off the nail for the first time in probably years. I needed it some of my daughter's schoolbooks. When we returned home, she opened the door to the van and out fell the bag of books, upside-down into the mud!

    Salvaged the books and notebooks the best that I could - probably will be dusting off dried dirt for a couple weeks - but decided the muddy tote was now rendered useless. I put it in the trash! At least it was something from the basement! :)
