Are there things sitting around that you've meant to take somewhere else? I have a large printer cartridge that's been sitting near our computer for at least a month needing to be taken for recycling. I'm scheduling in that stop today.
An idea could be to place items in a box to grab as you are heading out for errands so you don't forget. Just getting rid of little nagging responsibilities can simplify your life.
Another idea came from one of this blog's followers. She tries to fill an entire box and puts it immediately in her trunk to take to Goodwill. I think this is partly to just get it out of the house and partly so she or another family member doesn't change his/her mind! :)
Another item to help me simplify my life fell into my lap today. We reorganized the shed and voila ~ a bike helmet for the give-away box was found. Very helpful on a holiday weekend!