Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 114: Is Simplifying Making a Dent?

One of our blog followers commented yesterday that she has passed the 500 mark getting rid of items in her home! Congratulations for keeping track as you simplify! The rest of us have at least 114, and probably more because some days more than one item goes out the door.

Do you see progress? Do some of your spaces seem more spacious and peaceful? (Not in the feng shuei sense, but in the orderly sense.) Keep going. Several of you have commented that you are pleased with your results so far. This should be becoming a habit. We're not even half way done!!

Today I put a couple of items of clothing in the Goodwill bin.


  1. Julie, M. had a great visit and is even more convinced that's where she wants to be. Thanks for posting faithfully. I love reading your comments. Hope the yard sale brings in some good money as a reward for getting rid of so much!

  2. *Heidi - that is so great!!

    Yard Sale was successful - made a little mad money for me, some money for the checking account, and got rid of more stuff from my home! 4 previously unaccounted for items are now gone!
