Saturday, May 30, 2015

Books, Kindles, and the Library

Books take up a lot of space.  We love having them, but they often sit for years, unread a second time.  Taking advantage of public libraries is an active way to keep out the clutter.  You borrow the books, then return them, not having to store those volumes.  If you are trying to economize, using the library is again your answer.  My children and I read hundreds of children's books when they were small without spending a penny.  It was a joy to go to the library every Tuesday and fill up our bags with books.

Kindles are also wonderful for the space conscious.  Any books you wish to keep are stored electronically, and take up no space on a shelf.  They are great for travel, as you can take many books to read in one small device.

If you have an overflow of books on your shelves, consider donating them to Goodwill.  If you ever wish to read one of them again, they are easily accessible at the public library.

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