As we declutter, there may be items or memorabilia we come across that we save just because we want to pass those onto our children. Think long and hard about this. What means a lot to us means squat to our kids, often times. Historically, think about raising your kids:
You were a teacher; that's the last thing they wanted to be
You liked country decor; they went for bohemian in their dorm rooms
You liked country music; they went for classical
That twinge of rebellion toward becoming his/her own person is typical. It's not to say they don't often change and become more like us that they planned. However, stuff doesn't translate as well over generations. If you are really waffling on whether to declutter an item, ask your kids if they'd ever want it and don't be hurt when they say no.
Leaving a house full of stuff they don't want after you pass is an arduous chore for loved ones. It can take months to sort through everything. If you think it's time to unload some of your possessions, please do.
Sorry to have a downer of a post. Let me end on a lighthearted thought. Our kids told us a couple years ago that the only thing they want when we pass is a Christmas ornament they fought over putting on the tree for years. It's a toad that croaks when you pull its string, entitled "Mistletoad." Well, that's easy, except now we need to find another toad so there isn't a battle when our will is read.
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