Thursday, May 21, 2015

Kids' Rooms #2

A place for everything, and everything in its place is a worthy saying that deserves implementation.  Having a system for our kids is important in training them to manage their things.

I attempt to keep 24 - 27 children organized each year.  I'm very specific about what my school kids can bring so everything fits neatly in a school desk.  They don't need Sharpies…please no!  Little good can come of Sharpies in the elementary classroom.  They don't need the 128 box of crayons that takes up half their desk space.  And, perhaps a bit over the top (but it works), I even keep a drawing on the board all year of how their desks are to look.  I'd say 92% of the students do keep their desks exactly as I ask; there ARE rewards weekly.  Since I began this method of organization, few students "can't find" papers (which is a teacher's thorn in the flesh).

I share this because it works with 24+ children on a daily basis, year after year.  It works at home as well.  Of course we don't need to be as regimented with only two or three children, but the point is, you must train a child.  Setting up an organization system for belongings and routines is crucial.  

More on that tomorrow.


  1. Oh my goodness, if you get "C" next year, you will have your work cut out for you.

  2. We'll go for the 92% success rate! :)
