Here are reasons to cull your collection:
- Music goes out of style
- There are digital versions now for iPad which take up no space and turning two pages accidentally, the wind blowing the music off the stand, the pages being mixed up and off you go playing page 3 when the chorus is on page 2 is a thing of the past (those of you who are musicians know of which I'm speaking.) One tap of the screen takes you seamlessly to the next page. You can get these electronic versions of your favorites when you really need them.
- How long has it been since you've picked up Great Songs of the 80's?
- Some struggling musician might be able to purchase your sheet music when you donate it
- Music books and sheet music take up valuable drawer or cupboard space where you could store items you actually use
- Your kid left a stack from his days of learning trumpet
Consider your options with any music you may be storing. Is it anything you don't need or use?
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