Friday, May 29, 2015

Problems With Paper

Paper is the nemesis of many a well-meaning individual.  The problem with letting paper accumulate is that it often inconveniences others:  businesses waiting for payment, teachers, events with timelines/due dates.  It's important to have a system in place to deal with the barrage of paper that assails us all.
Questions to consider:

1.  Where do my bills reside?  Have a place and if needed, mark the mailing date on the envelope.
2.  What do I do with school forms?  Have a place your children know to place them for you to fill out, sign, or read.
3.  Should I keep all my child's school papers?  I would say a resounding NO, but if you have a system,  you can try it.  I kept a few choice pieces each year.  Look over the graded papers with your child, praising the good, and working with him/her to understand what was wrong and could be improved.
4.  Deal with junk mail immediately.  Nowadays, it's mainly what fills our mailboxes.  Toss it, read it and then toss, or file it where you'll later need it.

One final thought from an insider as to how your organizational system or lack thereof affects others.  As a teacher, when the due date for a field trip permission form comes near, I look over my class list to see who still needs to return the form.  Inevitably, it's the same four each time.  I cringe thinking about those homes.  Where are copies one and two of the form?  Are they sitting in a massive pile of debris and junk mail on the counter?  As a professional, I print an additional copy and often write the parents a nice e-mail reminding them their child needs to have it turned in, also reminding the child, again; however, as a blog writer promoting decluttering, I let my imagination go to what their home might look like…

Think through your paper situation and how you deal with it.  There are many wonderful organizational ideas out there to help.

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