Friday, December 4, 2015

What's in the Drawer?

Do you know what a man look is?  Have you ever experienced,
"Why don't we have any lettuce?"
"It's in the refrigerator."
"I'm standing here with the door open, but there's no lettuce."
Wife walks over, moves the milk carton, and viola!  There is the lettuce.

That's a man look.

Anyway, I guess I've been doing that same thing each day opening my middle drawer.  Crouching at the bottom of that drawer were two pair of pants that are so worn that the corduroy no longer has ridges and there are holes in the khakis.  I've "seen" them for months yet mentally haven't seen them. They are going into the trash because they aren't good enough to donate.  Why have I kept them so long?  In the busyness of life, we just do that.

However, when you get a lucid, stress-free moment, really look at each drawer's contents (even one drawer per day).  Take out those old clothes and either donate or dispose of them.  It frees up room for your other garments and even some new ones!

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