Friday, January 21, 2011

A Reunion!

Last evening a group of us local followers got together to finally meet. As a teacher, I had brought a plan just in case the conversation went south. However, it was totally the opposite. We talked about all the stuff we'd gotten rid of and our current habits with clutter and organization, then laughed about posts. Two and a half hours of wonderful conversation!

Topics arose I wanted to share.

1. We discussed the "why" behind the clutter we've each been battling. Several have lost loved ones and shared how difficult it has been donating or selling items that belonged to those people. Mourning had even gone on for some of the items after they were donated. They knew it was just stuff and the person was the memory, but it was still difficult to let go.
Another reason behind collecting clutter was the thought that "I can't keep an organized house going even if I DO clean it up" and that has held her back at times.
We said clutter is always a battle as it continually creeps in; however, we all agreed that we would rather visit someone who isn't just bustling around keeping everything perfect, but will sit, really be a friend, and converse.

2. On the flip side, we had all been given keepsakes from older relatives that we don't really like or have any sentimental attachment to, but feel we should hold on to them for now.

3. We all agreed we had made progress last year and are continuing to work toward decluttering and organizing our homes and lives.

Keep up the work, blog followers! You never know, I may succomb and revive our blog because I love the topic, need the accountability, and have met so many wonderful people!