Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59: Electronics

Today I pulled a computer scanner out of my project closet. It hasn't been used in years and our printer now has that feature built in. Why do we still have it? One reason is that it was buried under boxes of other stuff.

Goodwill will take old computers, printers, scanners, etc. and resell or use parts. So, our old scanner is off to help others!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 58: Past Life Memorabilia

Many of us have a past job, college, place we lived, etc. that I categorize as a "past life." We often want to keep some things that remind us of those days. Today I cleared out some of that from my "cupboard under the stairs." I have found two places for those items: one is a file folder in the cabinet marked "___________ Memories." Another is one of those pretty photo boxes you can buy at craft stores. They look nice and neat on shelves and I put special birthday cards or letters into those. The bigger items, if they are worth keeping, can be in a similar box or in a box in the attic until the person realizes they don't need to keep them.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 57: House Plants

For some people, house plants can thrive in their homes. Mine always languish, and it's probably my fault for not being more diligent in caring for them. For me, having house plants is that little voice in the back of my head saying, "Leaves are turning brown...why don't you do something beyond watering?" I really don't care that much or have time, so for me to have house plants, it clutters up my head.

For those of you who enjoy caring for them, I think it's great. I threw one away that has been slowly losing ground, so to speak. I feel like I don't have to worry about it anymore! With another bamboo plant, it was going downhill at school and I set it with my end-of-the-year stuff to throw out. One of our custodians saw it and asked if she could have it. I was happy she wanted it. Now, almost every time our paths cross, she tells me how much bigger it is, how she cares for it, how it is flourishing. O.K., I know when I'm beaten and don't have a talent for houseplant care. I'm happy for that little bamboo (and that it's out of my house/life!)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 56: Again, Do I Like It?

I placed a pair of wool slacks in the give away bin today. I don't know what it is about wanting to keep clothing that "still fits" but we don't like. Yes, I've mentioned this concept before, but it is an issue that keeps coming up for me.

Keep up the good work!! At least one item per day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 55: Stuff That Comes With Other Stuff

Sometimes when we buy one thing, something else automatically accompanies it and then we keep both items. I am giving away a store brand suit bag that came with one of my husband's suits a LONG time ago. It hasn't been ever used except bringing home the suit. If the accompanying item isn't something you want, get rid of it immediately. Some other person may have use for it and you won't need to store it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 54: Extra Photos

In cleaning out my challenge space, I came across a pile of photos someone in my family had printed him/herself. They were not very good quality, and we had duplicates in the photo album. Photos, even duplicates, are a difficult one for me...what if I need them? What if something happens to the others and I lose that particular shot forever? The logical side of me thinks of how many photos I have, or even my parents have, of my growing up years. It's very few and that has been fine for everyone. I guess I don't need every second of everyone's life documented; I can trust my memory better than that. I threw out the duplicate, poor quality photos.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb. 22: Day 53 Organize and De-Clutter

Organizing leads to de-cluttering. If we are organizing a space, usually there isn't a spot for everything that we have. Be strong and give away, sell, or throw out anything that doesn't have a place. There are special circumstances, of course, but try to get past the emotional attachment to the easier, clutter-free, simplified lifestyle you want and just get rid of it. The old adage, "A place for everything, and everything in its place" is very freeing.

For those of you who have taken the 20-day challenge, this is Day 3 of that. I challenged all of us to choose a room to concentrate on in the next 20 days, getting rid of at least one thing in that space per day. If you have a digital camera, take a before photo and an after photo we can share. I will try to figure out how you can post your photos, as the blog hasn't been cooperative lately.

I am working in a closet under our stairs and today got rid of some old papers stashed in a box.

Friday, February 19, 2010

DAY 50!! February 19 New Challenge

I am the type that buys packs from card companies so as to have assorted cards on hand when the need arises. In looking through my stash yesterday, I found quite a few very ugly cards that I would be embarrassed to send to anyone. I threw them out.

We have been simplifying for 50 days! Are you still on board? Keep up the great work! One of you had a comment that stirred an idea. She said she was still in the overwhelmed stage with certain rooms in the house bursting with clutter. Here's the challenge: how about if we pick a room for the next 20 days to ATTACK! If you don't have a room like that, that's OK, but most of us probably do. For 20 days, we take out at least one thing per day. Most of you are multiplying that many times over already with how much you have sorted, given away, etc. What do you think? What room will it be?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb. 18: Day 49 Everywhere I Look!

I don't know if you are having this experience as you are trying to simplify, but everywhere I look in my house, I find something unnecessary. It's truly amazing. Today I put two kids' plastic small cups in the Goodwill box. No one has used them in years.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feb. 17: Day 48 Favorite T-Shirts

I am a teacher and since we've been in school 1 half day in February, I needed to make good use of my time. My daughter chose 9 of her old club t-shirts that held good memories. See the slide show on the screen to see step by step instructions on how I made those into a lap quilt for her to keep those memories.

Some of the extra t-shirt material went for rags, the rest is thrown away. It really wasn't hard and didn't take that long. I know someone else who gathered all the shirts and backing fabric and mailed it off to her mom who loves to sew.

Just an idea!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb. 16: Day 47 Find It When You Need It

There are two lessons for me to learn about the title of this post.

1. Simplifying your home and life eventually saves you lots of time because you can find items when you need them. You don't waste time searching.

2. All the angst of wondering whether to keep something or not comes into play. A friend and I were talking about this yesterday. If I give something away that a couple years later I need, can't I find another cheaply on E-Bay, a yard sale, Goodwill, or borrow it? Do I really need to hold on "just in case?" This mindset is freeing!

Today I sorted through some of my costume jewelry and got rid of two pair of big earrings, a pin, and a necklace.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15: Day 46 Extras

I found that I had an entire set of extra dipping dishes for olive oil/bread in the back of a cupboard. We rarely use the one set. I, of course, struggled...well, what if I want to serve the bread and dipping oil to 8 guests? Then common sense took over and I tried to remember the last time I had 8 guests for a regular dinner. Yes, some random day I may regret it, but if I am going to simplify my life for the majority of days, some extras need to go.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14: Day 45 Photos Keep Well

Gasp! No, I'm not advocating getting rid of photos. I am just saying that a photo of that beautiful Valentine's Day bouquet or prom corsage might be a better option than hanging on to the dried one for x-many years. Just something to keep in mind.

Today away went some ribbon that was to mix and match as a band around a hat. The hat is no longer with me, so neither will be the ribbons.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Feb.13: Day 44 Keep Going!

Everyone can get rid of one thing per day, either by using it up, giving it away, returning or selling it, or (gulp) throwing it away. Keep it up!

I've begun my journeys into the scary attic. Found three chamois shirts my husband had slated for the give away bin last year that got stuck up there. Off they go!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb. 12: Day 43 Closets

I was purusing my closet the other day and wondering, "Why do I keep all these clothes I never want to wear?" Do I think I'll change my mind next winter and like them better? A jacket and a shirt went into the give away bin and more will follow.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 11: Day 42 The Little Things

My eyes are becoming trained to look for unnecessary clutter in hidden places. Today I found a round hair brush all chewed up from our dog in the recesses of a drawer as well as some mostly used lotion I got as a gift eight years ago from a student. Yikes! Both went into the trash.

We are on day 42, ladies, and everyone seems to be making great progress! I have wondered, watching shows like "Clean House," if those people really change, or if they revert back to their messy ways. By simplifying every day, I think we are developing habits that will change us for good.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 10: Day 41 Tupperware

You will see me refer to "Tupperware" more in future posts as it can be a collecting nightmare. As I was shoving some other item into a drawer, I couldn't figure out why the item wouldn't fit nicely. There, tucked into the back of the drawer were Tupperware sippy cup lids. My kids are 18 and 20. At one point a few years ago, I saw these lids and thought I would keep them for little kids who come to visit. Like that's happened...even if little ones did come, they usually have their own non-spill cups.

Bye-bye lids.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb. 9: Day 40 Craft Idea Books

I have some wonderful craft idea books...that I rarely look at. Am I thinking I'll have more time someday? By then, that craft may be out of vogue. In addition, though I hate to admit it, I really can get any idea I'd ever want off the Internet.

I am sorting the books and giving away several today.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb. 8: Day 39 Bathroom Cupboards

Many of you have commented that you have rid yourselves of excess, unused makeup, lotions, sample shampoos, etc. If you have time in the next few days, take a critical eye into the bathroom cupboards, under the sink, medicine cabinet, and find old, unused items that can go. You will be surprised at how much has accumulated in the back of those places.

An old, now unused electric toothbrush and some mostly gone lotion bottles went out into the trash for me today.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb.7: Day 38 Organizing is Simplifying

Really, simplifying doesn't just mean getting rid of "stuff." Sometimes reorganizing an area can make a big impact as well.

I had kept my many cookie cutters in a large zip-lock baggie that wouldn't close; it was too full. It looked messy and spilled periodically. During my stay-at-home-mom days, I had sold Tupperware and acquired a nice set of modular containers. One very large one for chips had sat empty for about 3 years in that same cupboard. It dawned on me recently, "Why don't I put the cookie cutters in that container?" They all fit and I feel that I simplified an area that had annoyed me for a long time.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb. 6: Day 37 Aprons

How many aprons does a household with one main cook need? An apron with the binding being held on by safety pins went into the trash today.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 4: Day 36 Enlist Some Help

Some of us have other places besides home that need simplifying. I decided I'd had enough of the "indoor recess" cupboard in my school classroom. I had some very restless boys waiting for their late buses, so enlisted them to pull everything out and sort loose pieces of games, etc. They were enthusiastic. A huge stack of unused academic books were pulled out of that storage cupboard and will go to a more public area for people to actually be able to use. After discarding toys and games that were missing pieces, we put small game pieces in baggies and restacked everything in the cupboard. By getting rid of some toys and games that were unusable and moving the books to another location, we were able to fit two larger bins into the cupboard that have just taken up space on the floor!

My point is, children like sorting, especially if they can do it with a friend. Make use of your kids, grandkids, teens. Being snowed in on the East coast is a good time to give them something productive to do; it helps them learn and eases your load!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb. 4: Day 34 Small Changes

I looked in my cupboard where the vases are kept and saw at least one too many. That extra vase is going into the give away bin.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb. 3: Day 34 Stuff Surrounding Grief

This has been a sad week for me as we lost our little faithful dog over the weekend to cancer. I feel somewhat lost and lonely without him shadowing me wherever I go, wanting to play or go for a walk. I realize that time will heal the pain and grief, but for the time being, it's difficult.

I know many of you have experienced deeper grief in your lives, losing precious people. How do we deal with the loved one's things as time goes on?

For me this week, seeing the little reminders of my dog everywhere has been difficult. I have gradually begun collecting his stuff and putting it in a box to give to a animal rescue group that can use it. It's painful, but I don't know which is worse, seeing it all, or just boxing it up to help others. I think it's entirely appropriate to hold on to some things as special memories, especially from people. However, my question is, can some of their items help others in need? This is a very difficult topic and one that we all will wrestle with sooner or later.

Sorry for the morose post today. I felt it was a topic to consider.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 3: Day 33 Nice Gadgets

Today I put two grapefruit spoons in the give away bin. I normally cut around each section with a knife and they come out easily with a regular spoon, so why keep them?

I've found that specialty gadgets sometimes just take up space when a more multi-purpose tool would suffice. That thought helps me simplify in the kitchen.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. 1: Day 32 "But It Still Fits"

There's a time and a place for everything we're told. My brightly colored striped sweater bought in 2003 still fits, though it has yarn pills all over it and is a little stretched out in the sleeves and waist. I actually had to debate with myself over it even with 8 other better sweaters in my closet! So, out it went into the Goodwill bin.

I've learned that the older I get, I should try to look more up-to-date in my dressing, feeling good about how I look. I don't need to hang on to old styles or worn items. I can budget some money for newer clothing if I see the need and avoid being dowdy as my husband once teased me about. It doesn't have to cost a lot, but if I add a new piece a month (even if it's from a thrift store), I feel better about myself and can more easily get rid of old items.