Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Plastic Containers

In honor of "Kitchen Week,"  I knew I needed to hit another cupboard this morning.  The Tupperware or plastic container cupboard has been purged multiple times, so I wondered if I'd even be able to find something to discard.  Never fear!  Back in the recesses hid some undesirables.

Have you pulled out your collection of containers and lids lately?  It really helps to pull everything out and then put back only what is useable.  How many Cool Whip containers are too many?  Think through what you actually use.  If your family has downsized through the years, you won't need as many (except when the 20-somethings come home and you send leftovers home with them to supplement their time-starved cooking habits.)

So, down on my knees in my bathrobe, after pulling out most of the items, I reached WAY back into the space.  I found a handle to a pan long gone, a topless water bottle we don't use, and a couple other items I haven't used in years.  Two unused items are staying for the time being.  I haven't used my pressure cooker in years or a grinder for making canned jam and sauces.  They may be on the cutting board one of these days, but I don't have time to make the decision today.  That's OK, because four items left my world today, and that's enough for now.

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