Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hair Products

At age 16, I lived on the island of Haiti for a summer.  Since we had to bring a vast amount of canned food along for our team, our personal luggage was limited to a certain poundage.  I had to leave my shampoo behind, along with other heavy items, to lighten my load.  As a teen, I guess I must have just rolled with it, figuring I'd figure something out once we got there.  Thankfully, I was able to purchase some obscure brand of shampoo in a tiny, remote island shop that lasted me the summer.  That shampoo was like gold to me…I really needed it, and it took care of my hair care.

It was a simpler way to live.  We each had one duffle bag of clothing and personal items for nine weeks!

Looking around my bathroom, I have WAY more health and beauty aids that take up space; many are unused.  I just threw out some spritz-on coconut oil hair product that really doesn't add any moisture to my hair.  My challenge today is to simplify your hair routine.  Are there unused products cluttering your bathroom or sink?

1 comment:

  1. Having three daughters - well, you're speaking my language!! :) We have always had lots of beauty/health products. Once they started purchasing their own - it multiplied like crazy. I've only got one left at home - but even between the two of us, we've got a lot of stuff. It's on my list to tackle that with her one of these weekends. I'll let you know how much we get rid of when we do it.
