Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - Christmas Cards and calendars

I'm back to the mission of getting rid of one item per day!  This morning I'm tackling Christmas cards.  My policy is to tape them to the refrigerator during the holiday season.  They look festive, and my adult kids and local friends enjoy seeing pictures and greetings from people they've known.  I took them down this morning and put them in the trash.  Heartless?  No.

Do I ever keep any?  Yes.  A friend of mine, also a teacher, has a "Happy File" into which she places notes from students or their parents.  When she has a bad day or week at school, she goes to that file and remembers she IS a good teacher from those notes.  I have one of the cheap photo boxes from a craft store that is my Happy File.  A few holiday greetings from my class went into the box today.


  1. I took down all my Christmas cards, but in the past I have saved the front (if not written on the back) of my non-photo cards and I then recycle them into gift tags for next Christmas. Wondering if I should stop this practice as its not helping me purge!

    1. If you definitely use them, keep them! That is a good idea, I think.

  2. I'm tossing 2 calendars into the recycle bin today...and so we begin.

  3. The Magiquest wand belonging to my 25 year old daughter went into the donation bin on the first. Classic example of how we get rid of an item in our house: it gets put in a box to be stored for a while and then we think about it for 3 year before we decide we can really get rid of it. We probably talked about getting rid of the wand three or four times during cleaning out phases during those 3 years. (Sigh!)
