Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 204: Coupons, Receipts, etc.

If you are a coupon clipper, a rebate shopper, or a receipt saver, clutter can accumulate quickly. An accordian check folder is a good organizer for them. However, if you feel weighed down with what you have, ask yourself some questions:
  1. Are the $1 or $2 rebates I can get from filling out and mailing all this paperwork worth my time and angst about keeping these organized?
  2. Do I really need to keep the receipt here? Can I staple it to the instructions that came with the product?
  3. Will I really buy five cans of soup to save $.25?
  4. Do I really need anything from the craft store that I need to keep this 40% off coupon?

I've had to clear out some stuff like this and just enjoy LIVING, not always thinking about what money I can save through keeping all these little scraps of paper.

1 comment:

  1. Over the years, I have saved a huge amount of money using coupons and rebates. Unfortunately, some amount of clutter does accompany the opportunity to save.

    1. In my opinion, it is worth filling out rebates. I just did an on-line rebate from Staples that will save me almost $8.00 on two packs of printer paper.
    2. It's a great idea to staple the receipt to products with the instructions.
    3. Sometimes using coupons does compel you to buy multiples. If it saves money, is a food item that you will use in a reasonable amount of time, and you have the pantry space then use the coupon. If not, then don't use the coupon.
    4. I do like using store and restaurant coupons. I keep the coupons that I might eventually use in a folder in my car. Then if I'm out I have the coupon. It's aggravating knowing that I could save money but the coupon is sitting at home. I recently saved $20 at Gander Mountain on items that I would have bought anyway. My husband and I saved $9.99 at a local restaurant with a buy one get one coupon.

    You have to consider whether the time, effort and clutter is worth the savings. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.
