Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 182: Half Way There!

Congratulations! We've been into our simplifying journey for six months now. A lot has been accomplished and new habits have been formed. I have loved hearing of your successes and plans with simplifying your life and home. If you have a good story you haven't shared, feel free to comment so the rest of us learn from you.

Today I am finally getting rid of a piano lesson carrying bag my grandmother bought for me many years ago. It is red and flashy, and I loved putting my books in it to take to piano lessons all through high school. The problem is, it sat too near a heater and the plastic bubbled up. I didn't mind using it back then, but now it doesn't look too professional to carry it to a wedding when I play. So, it will go to Goodwill and they can decide its fate. I have wonderful memories still of my grandmother, so don't need damaged "stuff" to remind me of her.

1 comment:

  1. Today I parted with all my hoops and studs (earrings) from the 80s. Oh how I will miss them! NOT! I saved one or two pair just in case we have 80s day during spirit week. I parted with 3 small zip lock baggies filled with jewelry from the 80s. I am someone who makes earrings to match outfits. I am happy to say that even though I still had the earrings, the outfits are long gone! :o) I have been back in the simplify mode since school ended and I have more than made up for the months that you did not hear from me. I made "deposits" at 4 different Goodwills in 3 days! ---and several bags went to the landfill!
