Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 138: End of Era

I am sorry about posting so late. My morning was very rushed! Tonight, I attend my last PTA meeting as a mom. Perhaps I should be nostaligic, but I'm jumping for joy. I've been secretary for FIVE years at the high school. Under PTA rules, board members should only serve one or two years. However, there is a little clause that adds, "...unless no other person comes forward." That's what caught me. It has been good. I've had a say in things at the high school, met some wonderful people, and enjoyed volunteering when I could. However, my life is simplified by this commitment ending! I declutter by turning over my very full binder of meeting minutes to the new secretary.

I'll try not to celebrate too loudly! The end of a commitment is freeing!


  1. *Heidi ~ I so get your feelings! Enjoy the freedom and satisfaction of a job well done! :)

    While making dinner tonight I discovered more items under the cupboard that were past their "use by" date. 8 items thrown away! At least their expiration dates were 2009 and not the 2006's and 2007's I found earlier this year!

  2. I hope this counts... We're building another house across the country and I'm taking things from this house to put in the new house. Today, after reading jamckeen's post the other day, put 3 glass vases in my "go" box. After reading Heidi's post I then grabbed several "old" note pads,pretty envelopes with paper and an unused pretty notebook and put it in the "go" box. Why should I buy new things when I can send these things.

    Ok, so they're still sitting in a box in the garage but they are no longer under my chest of drawers or in my organized closet.. that has to count for something ;-)

  3. *Heather ~ haha! I think that counts! :)
