Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 131: Craft Projects

Back when I moonlighted at a fabric store in town, some of our regular customers had bumper stickers that read, The One Who Dies With the Most Fabric Wins! How much fabric, yarn, macrame' cord, embroidery floss, mosaic tile, stained glass pieces, rubber stamps, etc. do you store? Is it time to go through it and simplify?
I know that I have little time for sewing anymore, though I get sorely tempted when walking through fabric stores. I've learned not to buy because of my time constraints. The fabric I have (really...only two pieces now) is slated for outfits for my neice. Hopefully, I'll get to those this summer (after only three years of storage). That will be simplifying to use what I have.


  1. Today is the first day that I am seeing progress on my 25 cubby-hole shelf! I had a few extra minutes (probably spent 20 minutes altogether) and I was able to dust out and organize 7 cubbies - leaving two cubbies absolutely empty at this point - which is amazing to have extra space for continued organization. Wow - this feels so good.

    I put 1 salt & pepper set and 2 books in athe giveaway box. I threw away 5 sets of bible study notes (I always think I'll look back on them at some point, but never do!), 1 plug to a broken pencil sharpener, and 1 board game box into the trash. :)

  2. *Heidi - I don't remember ever seeing that bumper sticker! Funny - but in reality sometimes not so funny. I have finally started watching that Hoarding Show...now that's really scary.
