Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 151: Putting Things Back

I teach, so often take "visuals" from my home to help enhance lessons: copper pipe, wire (for electricity), old Beanie Babies to spark good descriptive adjectives, etc. The items eventually come back to the house. I tend to let them just sit in a pile in a guest room sometimes until school lets out. My goal is to put things back where they belong when they come back into the house (at least in a reasonable amount of time).

Today I'm recycling some of the pipe left over from a plumber's visit.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 150!!!!

Wow! At least 150 items have left our homes, but more than that for most of us! See the comment on yesterday's post for some interesting thinking.

Another bit of clothing in the give-away bin today.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 149: Closets

Deep within our closets often lurks unused clothing. It remains because we feel nostalgic about when we could fit those outfits, or the occasions we wore them. I realize someone else could better use them and they aren't doing me any good. Size, need, or preference are all reasons to give clothes away. I'm giving away some very nice clothing that I just don't need anymore (and doesn't really fit anyway.)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 148: Pantry

As with the freezer theme, my pantry could use some simplifying. I know there are some hard marshmellows in there that need to go.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 147: Clean House

The show "Clean House" always motivates me. It also encourages me as I look around and CAN see the floor in each of our rooms. Somehow, clearing everything out of a room and then sorting seems to be effective in those extreme cases. For us, getting rid of a little per day makes a difference, plus we're building good habits.

I threw out some bits of lace and trim from my grandmother's sewing cabinet today.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 146: Freezer Burn

What is in the back or bottom of your freezer? I grew up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula where hunting and fishing was as natural to me as it is to Sarah Palin. It wasn't unusual to have moose, venison, and fish in the freezer and live worms in the refrigerator. (My mom wasn't happy when some rather active worms once crawled into a bowl of jello.) Our neighbors had a white snowy owl that had been electrocuted in their freezer until they could save up enough to get it stuffed. Enough reminiscing...

As far as clearing out clutter, how LONG have some items been in our freezers? Look through and clear out or plan your next week's menu to use up some of those things you froze last summer.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 145: Child Memorabilia

I talked with a friend yesterday who said her mother can't throw anything out. She's in her late 40's, and her mother still has her 1st grade school papers. When she asks her mother to just get rid of them, the mom says she just can't. The mom sometimes gives my friend the box to look through; my friend looks through it immediately at home, then throws most away. Sometimes we have to help those who can't help themselves in getting rid of clutter!

Keep it up ladies; the result will be a neater, cleaner place to live, less stuff to clean around, and more peace of mind when you are at home!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 144: Sock Stash

Though it pained me to not solve the mystery, I threw out a pile of single socks today. What happened to the rest may never surface, but a year and a half of missing partners is long enough to consider the cased unsolved and closed.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 143: Binders

It seems that every committee I volunteer to be on (or am coerced into) has a binder. It makes for quite a collection. I have begun to throw away the contents and either reuse the binders for my own purposes or just give them away. Getting rid of all that paperwork that I didn't really want to deal with anyway is a happy feeling!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 142: Grab and Go

Today I knew I needed to simplify and get rid of at least one thing. A book went into the give away box. Now I'm off and running on my day. Remember, just one thing per day (at least! :P )

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 141: Newspapers

Recycle, reuse, etc...they are wonderful phrases and goals. I prefer recycle because it gets the junk out of my house. I had an uncle who, in his later years, had stacks of newspapers almost to the ceiling against an entire wall in his basement. As a college student, I was amazed. How can that many accumulate, and why did he let them accumulate?

Unless we are saving certain items for an upcoming project or often work with children who make crafts, let the stuff go! It certainly doesn't take long to collect toilet paper or paper towl tubes, milk cartons, etc. if you spread the word around to your friends to help you save toward a project. Let them go for now and clear out space!

I'm recycling my weekly accumulation of newspapers.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 140: Obsession

I realized that I could become just a little obsessive with simplifying when my husband brought home a few boxes containing the Christmas tree and decorations from his office and wanted to put them in the basement rather than the attic. I had to take a deep breath and remember that it's his house too, and that part of the basement is somewhat for storage.

So, loyal simplifiers, I don't want to be guilty of creating simplifying monsters, so keep everything in perspective as we develop good habits!

Today I got rid of a handtowel that is never used.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 139: Use Up Items

We've talked about not saving consumables for years. I used up a notepad I got two years ago yesterday, and am taking a black gel-ink paper packet to school today to let the kids use on a project. We've had this for probably six years in a cupboard at home.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 138: End of Era

I am sorry about posting so late. My morning was very rushed! Tonight, I attend my last PTA meeting as a mom. Perhaps I should be nostaligic, but I'm jumping for joy. I've been secretary for FIVE years at the high school. Under PTA rules, board members should only serve one or two years. However, there is a little clause that adds, "...unless no other person comes forward." That's what caught me. It has been good. I've had a say in things at the high school, met some wonderful people, and enjoyed volunteering when I could. However, my life is simplified by this commitment ending! I declutter by turning over my very full binder of meeting minutes to the new secretary.

I'll try not to celebrate too loudly! The end of a commitment is freeing!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 137: One Per Day

I'm so glad that simplifying one-per-day is OK! It takes the stress out of making lOTS of progress every day. Today I put a piece of clothing in the give away box.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 136: Files

While filing, I did a quick purge of a file we kept for a school trip my daughter was planning. It is now over, nothing in the file is needed anymore, so it went into the trash. I see more files that need purging, but it is a one-per-day kind of day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 135: Linens

I have a lovely cedar chest my parents gave me for our wedding. In it, I keep our extra linens since I don't have a linen closet. Currently, it houses a motley assortment of sheets, pillowcases, unused curtains, etc. I am sorting and giving away mismatched items today.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 134: Bridal Shower

We held a bridal shower after school yesterday for one of our own who is being married in June. It was a great time! Everything she got she had registered for at Target or Bed, Bath, and Beyond. For us shopping, it simplified the process wonderfully, because we knew what she wanted/needed. For her, it simplified her life in that she RECEIVED what she wanted and not a lot of things she'll be selling at yard sales. Many of us agreed that we have been married so long that WE need an old marrieds' shower to get new towels, sheets, etc! :)

On that note, I am getting rid of and old towel that I received at one of my showers. It doesn't match anymore, is still in good shape (I liked it so much at the time, I didn't put it out...), and isn't a car washing towel yet.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 133: Adult Children

My son, now officially a junior in college, came home last evening. He brought a lot more stuff into the house than I remember him taking. It's OK, though. I'm really glad he's here.

How do we encourage our adult children to clean out old things and simplify our homes (especially for when they leave?) Perhaps a better question is, do your parents still house any of your old things? It's easy to just move out and leave a lot behind.

I guess a plan of action could be to offer to take your stuff out of your parents' home if there is still a stash. With college kids or those heading off on their own, one idea I had is to let them box up sentimental items to store, but sort through old papers, notes from high school, etc. before they take off. At that point, you still have a clean guest room when they're gone. I don't know how this will work. I'll let you know as summer progresses! Any suggestions?

I sorted papers on the office desk today and distributed them to their owners to throw away!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 132: Mending

I sometimes have mending piles that sit for months until I have some pressure to mend the item, usually clothing. I know I should just make myself sit and fix the items so my family can reuse their clothes, but it seems overwhelming and I procrastinate.

Right now I have a pair of my husband's pants to hem. He really could use them, so I need to get that done rather than have them draped over the ironing board. I also have a quilt my mom had made for me in college by this sweet woman in our church. It contains a lot of the fabrics I used when I began my sewing hobby. The problem is that some of the squares have ripped out at the seams and it needs a lot of mending. It's needed that for about ten years and has been stored that long. At what point do I say, it's not worth it and just get it off my mind? I'm still wrestling with that. Another question is, where would I put it if I DO mend it? Stay tuned. You may hear about that quilt in a future post!

I commit to mending the pants today to simplify my mending pile!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 131: Craft Projects

Back when I moonlighted at a fabric store in town, some of our regular customers had bumper stickers that read, The One Who Dies With the Most Fabric Wins! How much fabric, yarn, macrame' cord, embroidery floss, mosaic tile, stained glass pieces, rubber stamps, etc. do you store? Is it time to go through it and simplify?
I know that I have little time for sewing anymore, though I get sorely tempted when walking through fabric stores. I've learned not to buy because of my time constraints. The fabric I have (really...only two pieces now) is slated for outfits for my neice. Hopefully, I'll get to those this summer (after only three years of storage). That will be simplifying to use what I have.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 130: Bookshelves

Bookshelves can be purused periodically for books you no longer want. Some, like travel books, do become dated.

I am putting some books in the giveaway box today.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 129: Gifts

Today is Mother's Day for all the wonderful aunts, sisters, mothers, teachers...women who care about children! I was pleased that my daughter asked what I would like because, as you know, I'm trying to avoid adding more items to my home. I told her a perennial plant to plant in the's not clutter, it will last for years, and I will enjoy it! It's also not something I will put in the Goodwill box in 6 years.

If people ask for gift ideas, think of things that help you on your journey toward decluttering.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 127: Time to Think

If you haven't read one of our co-simplifier's comments on Day 125, it's very thought provoking. I'm going to borrow a couple questions she got from a book. See how you would answer these concerning organization in your home.

When people visit:
The disorganization makes me feel:
I'm tired of feeling:

If you need a kick start in resuming your quest for a more simplified, organized home, answering these honestly may help you.

Today I am taking more clothing to Goodwill.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 127: Big Boxes

I am throwing away a big computer box today. We kept it in the attic for years just in case we needed to ship the computer back for repairs. Those days are gone, and probably that computer has also been sent away. There are more, but I'll take care of one box today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 126: Under the Kitchen Sink

It's a scary place in many homes. I feel sorry for plumbers who have to stick their heads into those cabinets under kitchen sinks. How long has it been since you've ventured into that dark crevice?

Awhile back, I bought a handled plastic tote and fit all the cleaning suppies into that. I threw out anything that wouldn't fit or found another place for it. Now, I'm quite proud if the door is open and people only see an organized bin of current cleaning supplies! Plus, I don't dread looking for a bottle of Windex, because it is right in the tote, easy to grab.

Have you sorted under your sink lately?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 125: Paper

My husband got to cleaning out files and got rid of BAGS of paper! Yea!! I need to get a better filing system going for us that purges periodically. But for today, all is well!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 124: Clothes

When I watch shows on TV where people are buying houses and want HUGE closets, I often hear, "Oh, my clothes will never fit in THAT closet..." It makes me overwhelmed. How many clothes does one person need? I did work with a woman years ago who, I really believe, never wore the same outfit to school the entire school year. She probably needed a huge closet. It's probably people with really big closets who have brand new clothes with the tags still on them months later!

I guess we are all different, but to me, simplicity is keeping my wardrobe down to what I really can use and enjoy wearing more than once a month. (Mine is more like once a week.) I can keep a handle on what I have and become more creative with mixing and matching.

Got rid of some articles of clothing today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123: Out of the Way Nooks and Crannies

Is simplifying making a difference in my house? Yes! I notice a difference in the cupboards, closets, and hidden places that used to be cluttered. They are now neat and organized.

Today I threw out some duplicate photos as I was looking through an old box.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 122: A Good Author

The person who motivated me to begin simplifying and ridding my home of clutter was Don Aslett. I have mentioned him before. He owns a cleaning company and writes on the side. Two of my favorites of his are, Where Do I Store the Moose Head, and Clutter's Last Stand. If you ever reach a standstill and like to read, his books are very motivating and funny. I found these two at our public library.

I got rid of an old dance dress of my daughter's today that has done its time.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 121: Good Motivators

I need motivation sometimes to get things done. Deadlines make me hop to it. We have a graduation coming up with lots of family planning to visit, so that gives me lots of incentive to fix, clean, sort, etc.

If we ever start getting slack on simplifying and decluttering, perhaps we could manipulate things to CREATE a motivator. Invite friends to dinner, plan a game night with friends at your house, let your kids invite friends over, etc. Usually, we get a lot done in a short period of time when we know someone different will see our homes.

Just a thought.

More winter clothes went in the give away bin today.