Friday, June 12, 2015


A very strange phenomenon occurred when our children were small.  We moved and there wasn't a cable hookup where we wanted the TV.  While waiting to decide what to do, we got into the habit of not watching any television programs.  We found we didn't miss it, so for about eight years, we lived without cable access.

That wasn't the aforesaid strange thing.  When Christmas would come around  and we would  ask our children what they wanted for Christmas, they didn't really know.  My husband and I found this very unusual until we figured out that they never saw commercials, so didn't know what was out there.  They were fairly content with what they had.  At this point, we learned the power of marketing and advertising.

I heard an ad today on the radio marketing a bank's savings account offers.  "You'll have money for things you've always wanted…"  A woman's sultry voice began, "Like another oven just for baking pies."  What???  The minimalist in me recoiled.  Why would I want another appliance for just one purpose?

As you declutter, beware of refilling excess into your living spaces.  Use a discerning eye and ear when advertisements come on or you see brilliant displays in stores.  Do I really need this, or will something I already have suffice?

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