Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Declutter?

Someone recently asked why I like to organize.  I had two immediate thoughts that might be a catalyst for some readers to move toward decluttering:

1.  You can find things when you need them.  

Have you ever bought products or clothing, then weeks later discovered a stash you didn't remember you already had?  When someone needs tape, can you find it immediately?  So much time and money are wasted because of disorganization in homes.  Clearing out the clutter and actually having a home for everything can help with this.

2.  Housekeeping is easier and takes less time.

When you are organized and your home is decluttered, there's less to maintain and clean.  You have fewer gadgets and use the ones you've kept over and over.  There are bare floors and table tops so vacuuming and dusting can be done quickly.  The house stays neat when there is less stuff everywhere, and you can welcome guests at any time without panic or even hesitation!

If you want to live as I've described,  continue on the path toward decluttering your spaces.  It will simplify your life.

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