Monday, April 27, 2015

An Over Organized Life

I pinned a pin on Pinterest that was entitled, "How I Organized My Entire Life."  As I read through her claims, I thought, "Wow, she's over the top.  Slow down, dear."  Some of her claims were:
  • I planned a 90 day rotation of meals and have grocery lists to go with each one
  • I only kept what we use in our house and sold the rest on Craig's List
  • I went through 2000 digital photos and organized them into photo books
  • I use a computer reminder system so we never miss a practice or appointment
After reading through her unbelievable list, I was thinking, "Whoa…too MUCH organization and you have no room for a life, creativity, or a little rebellion against what's expected."  Thankfully, she ended the exhaustive list with a quip that it was made up.

As we try to get organized and fit everything into our 24-hour days, consider the overkill of too organized a life.  I find that instead of setting up charts and schedules for everything, it's better to have less stuff and fewer commitments.  It's good to have free spaces that don't require anything of us and free time where we might actually be…bored.  Creativity sometimes springs forth in those empty spaces and times.   

It's a heavy load to own a lot of possessions to care for.  It's also a burden to have a packed schedule.  Is there anything you can pare down?

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