Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Someone" Might Need It

I took a deep breath and climbed the ladder to our attic.  My plan was to make the stored goods  accessible and get rid of some clutter.  It might not be the best plan, but sometimes I stash my I'm-not-sure-I-am-ready-to-part-with-it items up there in the rafters.  After months of such things not being underfoot, often I am ready to donate something.

A mindset that causes us to cling to clutter is noble:  someone might need it.  By someone, we usually mean family members or close acquaintances.   So we hang on to many unneeded items, just in case.  For me, I realized I'd been holding onto two cork bulletin boards which used to hang in my children's rooms to keep their drawings, letters from grandma, and photo booth pictures up and organized.  Both children have been out of our home for one and three years, not including college.  In all that time, I haven't heard of anyone who wants or needs a bulletin board complete with football helmet push pins!

By donating to an organization like Goodwill, someone who needs a bulletin board will find it.  You can rest easy knowing your donated goods are helping someone and putting others to work.  Try to let go of a non-heirloom item you've been saving for an unknown someone today.

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