Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The "What Ifs"

I have extra time on my hands during the summer, so I've been trying to go through out-of-the-way cabinets and drawers to see if there is clutter residing in those places.  I came across a half full bottle of aloe cream for sunburns.  I'm embarrassed to tell how old this is.  It might still soothe sore skin, but it's worn out its welcome.  As is typical when we declutter, the "what ifs" started flitting through my thoughts.  "Well, that stuff can be pricey…should I get rid of it?"  "What if someone this summer needs sunburn relief?"  We can almost always rationalize why we should keep things by coming up with "what if" statements.  If I lived in a remote area, it might make more sense to keep it, but I can easily run to a store and get a fresh supply "if" someone gets a sunburn.

Beware of the "what if" statements when you are trying to make decisions on clutter.  Be logical and practical, and don't give into hoarding items that are past their prime.

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