Saturday, July 18, 2015

Back to the Kitchen

Some of us watch TV to see real people shopping for houses.  It sounds like a strange thing to entertain us, but it sells!  Since it is potentially a boring subject, I'm sure the producers choose the house hunters carefully.  One should be a bit opinionated or spoiled and maybe a little demanding.  Sometimes BOTH adults are opinionated and then the fireworks come.  The realtors seem to be easy going, but also are convincing.

Some of the common threads I've observed in these shows is the kitchen comments as they tour various homes.
"Oh, there's not enough cupboard space."
"I really wanted stainless steel appliances."  (Can we say constant wiping of fingerprints?)
"This countertop isn't granite."

So, with that introduction, I want to discuss cupboard and counter space.  You can get by with fewer cabinets with some planning and organization.  The Container Store has multiple options to do more with the space you have.  Of course, you can always keep only what you really use in the kitchen.  Counter space is often lessened by knife racks, mug trees, or many appliances such as a coffee maker, toaster oven, blender, etc.  If you strive to keep nothing on your counters, you find you have ample space for baking or cooking.  I find that 95% of my baking or cooking prep is done on 3 feet of counter space which I keep clutter free.  Almost every kitchen has more than that.

Look around your kitchen.  How many items reside on the counters?  If you find yourself wishing for a bigger kitchen to have more work space, consider clearing off the counters for a week and see if it makes a difference.

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