Monday, March 30, 2015

The Party is Over

We tend to collect party paraphernalia through the years:  party platters, bowls, streamers, flags, banners, and more.  Today's encouragement toward decluttering and simplifying is to think about how much space those party items are taking up.  Maybe something is faded or cracked - let it go.  Perhaps you have a banner or leftover goodies for "Over the Hill!  40!" even though no one in your household will ever cross that bridge again.  Rarely do we we reuse specific-themed party items.  Clear out some space for items you want to keep and employ regularly.


  1. I had some special football shaped bowls. I also had some napkins I had picked up on a deal. I put some pom poms we picked up at a football game in with it, called it "Are you ready for some football Party set" and put it at a silent auction item for a cancer tea. People bid on it, Cancer center made some money, someone took it home, probably had a great party and it was gone.
