Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Plastic Bags

While we try to use reusable grocery bags, inevitably, we end up with a bunch of plastic bags from various stores.  I hate to throw them in the trash, so keep saving them.  Perhaps many of us do that, as last week I observed a co-worker bring in a gigantic bag full.

(My bag lady has a pleasing shape at the moment…not too many plastic bags)

We tend to forget about the ever-increasing mound of bags.  The little "bag-lady" bag holder gets fatter until she looks as though she'll burst!  You probably have a place for them to go, but in case you don't, here are some suggestions:

1.  Some grocery stores have bins outside their doors for plastic bags.  Load your stash into your vehicle for the next time you go to the grocery.
2.  Neighbors who walk dogs and are diligent to scoop the poop need a steady supply of bags.
3.  Our PTA is collecting bags to weave into waterproof mats for the homeless in our area.  Who knew that could be done?  Many of us donated our collections to that cause.

Try to speak softly and carry a big stick bag so you can avoid plastic carriers, but if the inevitable few slip into your home, find a worthy spot for them elsewhere.


  1. At present, the Chancellor Baptist Church food ministry could use your bags. The address is 11324 Gordon Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
