Monday, November 28, 2011


What is the purpose of a garage?  A friend posted a poster on Facebook over the weekend that read,

Only in America:
do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.

We don't have a garage, but I know this to be true just driving around neighborhoods.  What a great gift it could be to your spouse to clear out the junk in the garage so he or she could park in there during the cold winter!  Consider making the garage decluttering your December goal.  (Take out one BOX a day!!)  Remember, if the items haven't been used in several years, they are junk and you really won't need them.  Of course, let me add this caveat:  do not, I repeat, DO NOT get rid of any of your husband's tools without his permission.  I don't want to be the instigator of divorce proceedings.  Perhaps create a wall mounting system for tools and sports equipment to get it up off the floor.

Think about this.  It's a huge undertaking, but so worth your time!

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