Friday, November 18, 2011


I recently read someone's opinion that seemed almost sacrilegious! 


My first reaction was, "Are you crazy?  Don't you want to save money?"  Her reasoning was that they clutter things up, people forget to use them and store the coupons long after the expiration dates, and often they are for products you don't really use.

I began examining my own practice with coupons.  I found what she said to be true for me.  Most of my regular purchases never are seen in coupons.  It's a pain to store and retrieve them at the right time.  If I put them out in a place to remember to use them, it's cluttering my counter or refrigerator, and I still forget. 

I'm not giving it up totally, but last night I just tossed an entire coupon mailer without even looking at it.  I felt rather free! 

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