Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Schedule Time

It takes time to declutter, though one item a day isn't too bad.  I find that actually getting rid of my items is where it breaks down.  It takes planning to take everything to Goodwill.  It takes sitting down at the computer and listing items on e-bay or Craig's List to get rid of things I want to sell. 

Some ideas for you:
1.  Put the Goodwill bin in your car when it gets full, then as you pass the store while running errands, swing in and drop off your items.

2.  Schedule time in your week to sit at the computer and list what you want to sell.  Even if you are able to list only some of your stuff in a half hour, that will be productive when people begin to buy.  Another idea is to train one of your older children to do it; they are usually even more computer savvy than we are!

3.  Keep up with our mantra of "Simplify:  one per day."  Look for something you can get rid of every day.

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