Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This really will be it for bedroom comments for awhile.  I realize I've been rather severe on bedroom uses.  I know a couple family members who have wonderful spaces in their bedrooms for  working stations that don't detract at all from the restfulness of the room.  The main point is to keep out the clutter from any space!  I'm all for dual function rooms as long as they aren't full of unnecessary stuff. 

If you are feeling discouraged about your bedroom, perhaps it's looked the same for years, just rearrange what you already have.  Move the pictures and the bed.  It gives the room a whole new look and you don't have to spend any money!


  1. You're not being too harsh. In fact, there is medical data to support your "keep it simple" approach. According to the literature that I was given at student health my freshman year of college, bedrooms should only be used for "sleep and sex" (their words, not mine!). Apparently being a college student and having your kitchen on your comforter isn't good for REM sleep or insomnia. This may be why we come to resemble cave creatures about half way through the sophomore year! I know many adults who have problems getting to sleep and staying asleep. Simplifying the bedroom is actually a great place to start! There really shouldn't be blinking blue lights of computers, TV's, and game systems next to your sleep space. Those activities are stimulating, as opposed to reading which relaxes you. <> I think you're on the right track about the bedroom simplification! Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Mary! I appreciated the scientific data backing up my opinions. :)
