Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 364: A Myriad of Post Christmas Ideas

Since I have missed some days for this blog, and we are coming to the end (sad), I want to share a myriad of ideas today:

1. Did you see the line at the post office during December for mailing gifts? I paid through the nose to ship with another carrier to avoid those lines. However, on the website, they gave me a great idea for next year. You can just go to the usps on-line site and print off postage!! No standing in line!! Simplicity at its best...

2. Another way to unclutter your mind is to be looking for Christmas gift ideas now. Since I bought and gave all the gifts, I have come up with some wonderful ideas for the "hard to buy for" crowd. As I see things, I'm writing them down on a paper stored with my Christmas card list. You know when people ask you what you want for Christmas and you can't think of anything? This can help with that as well. I'm seeing items I could really use but wouldn't buy for myself. Those are being written on the list, too.

3. For those of you who buy gifts ahead for people, do you ever forget to give them? I had the greatest gift for my Steelers fan, and forgot about it in my "secret storage space." These bought ahead gifts could also be listed on the idea list as well as the hidden location.

4. Consider researching loved ones' favorite charities and donating to those in their honor instead of a gift. Personally, I would relish knowing that needy people received something that will help them economically. Ideas are: Salvation Army, Heifer International, a military organization, a homeless shelter, Make A Wish Foundation, food banks, etc. I hate giving clutter, hate spending so much in shipping, and sometimes hate the entire "buying for people who have everything anyway" mentality. This eliminates those aversions. Now, lest you think me ungrateful and heartless, I enjoy opening and receiving gifts as much as anyone; I just know there are so many needy in the world, and we really do have more than enough, otherwise we wouldn't have this issue with clutter!

5. Finally, as you are putting away all those decorations, wrapping paper, etc., keep a critical eye open. Do I really like this anymore? Could I get rid of it? My goal today is to get rid of at least one item in the decor department that I won't have to store.

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