Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 363: High Threshold of Clutter

We all know people with low and high thresholds of pain. Some complain for days about a hurt toe; professional football players will play with concussions, broken bones or sprains without seeming to be affected.

In my observations, some people also have a high threshold for clutter. It's not that they LIKE how the house looks, how difficult it is to find things, or that they keep buying duplicates because the originals are buried somewhere. They tend to be rather easy-going people that can overlook it. I feel that our "Simplify: one per day" method is a good fix for them. It builds a habit of looking for clutter in the house. I really hope we have all gained that particular habit this year and that it can continue.

Today I will clear out a bag of articles, flyers, etc. from a conference I attended last April. Why? Because it has been sitting unobtrusively next to the computer all that time, and I spotted it when looking for clutter!

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