Now is the time to get rid of excess Christmas stuff...old artificial trees, boxes of ornaments, etc. if that is an area you could declutter. Goodwill and such places could resell those since the season is approaching.
Another school story comes to mind. A very sweet girl asked me my favorite color one fall. I told her "pink." With a gleam in her eye, she told me the question had to do with my Christmas gift. Well, our school Christmas party rolled around and lo and behold, her gift definitely was memorable. She bought me a pink, pre-lit Christmas tree with an entire assortment of decorations! I let the other students help me set it up at school (I figured any atheists could hardly balk at a pink tree) and decorate it. When I brought it home for Christmas break, my family was rather speechless. My husband doesn't always appreciate my hard and fast rule of keeping kids' gifts at least for one year. The next Christmas, I also used it in my classroom, but then donated it to Goodwill (the following fall...they weren't taking such things in the spring.)
Next time a child asks my favorite color in the fall, I'll say "forest green."
I remember that pink tree!