Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 174: Boxes Full

Is it dangerous to give away storage boxes/bins before you go through them? Have you ever thought, "What if I get rid of something I really want?"

Two avenues of thought come to mind: if you haven't looked in that box in five years and have been living happily, you probably won't miss anything. OR...Go ahead and look through them and you most likely will realize you don't need anything in the box.


  1. This working outside the home thing has gotten me way off the simplifying track. I was able to get rid of one book yesterday that just happened to cross my path. I hope I can do better soon!

  2. Finished a book today and it's going right in the give-away box. wow - two days in a row! yay! :)

    BTW - I don't think I could ever get rid of a box of stuff without knowing what was in it. Is that where the problem starts? (sigh!)
