Have you noticed in your simplifying ventures that things you really couldn't give up become less appealing after time? If you just can't bear to part with Great-aunt Molly's cow collection, put it away for awhile. In a couple years, you may realize that your attachment has diminished and you can find another home for those items.
I have found this concept to be true. It's worth trying!
I worked on cleaning off my desk today as it has been out-of-control! One map thrown away and lots of papers which I'm counting as 1 item altogether.
ReplyDelete*Heidi, I have used a similar method of putting something away for a while before I am ready to let go of it for good. Many things throughout my house have been in various stages of "letting go." I think this is a good method - but I'm also trying to get to the letting go point faster than I used to get - this year of simplifying is helping me cut the cords with "things" more quickly than ever before 2010.