Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 181: Desk Drawer

Pick a desk drawer, any drawer. They collect unneeded items as easily as the kitchen counter. Take a few minutes to sort through and toss unnecessary clutter. It feels great to open an organized drawer in your desk. I found old CD's, past student info, etc. that I no longer need.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 180: Closets

My husband sent me a link from a declutter expert: On one of their pages they talk about closets. The director says start by spending an hour on a closet. You may not finish, but you can make a lot of headway.

I have tackled my own closets, but have this unhealthy compulsion to attack my children's. The better way is to train THEM to organize, so I'll give them short assignments like one shelf a day, one drawer a day, or something non-threatening. I'll let you know how that goes.

We are almost to our half year point! Watch for a new look to the blog coming soon.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 179: Old Appliances, Doors, Etc.

We have family living in a state characterized by old washing machines on house porches. It is a stereotype, however, you really DO see appliances on porches or in yards here and there when you are driving in this state.

My carpenter dad took off a storm door that we just didn't use and had broken a hinge. Right now it is sitting on our porch. Horrors! I don't want to be characterized by the same mindset as people in that other state. I'm calling around today to see what can be done with it so I don't let it sit. Do you have any large items sitting around? Old printer, computer, refrigerator, etc? Call around and see what your options are for unloading it!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 178: In/Out Principle

Another way to simplify is what I call the "In/Out Principle." If you bring in some new decoration, mug, wall hanging, shoes, clothing, etc., is there something of the same kind you can get rid of?

I think this is how clutter begins and accumulates. We just keep adding to the pile and our homes can only hold so much without looking cluttered. I'm getting rid of a 4th of July decoration that I haven't used in years.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 175: Decorations

Graduation has come and gone, July 4th approaches. Do you decorate for the seasons and events in your life? How do those decorations look? As each holiday comes up this year, look at your decorations with a critical eye. Check to see if anything is worn, out of style, etc. You can simplify your storage by getting rid of any decorations you really don't like anymore. I am throwing or giving away my graduation items now.

I will be traveling tomorrow, so I will post again on Saturday.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 174: Boxes Full

Is it dangerous to give away storage boxes/bins before you go through them? Have you ever thought, "What if I get rid of something I really want?"

Two avenues of thought come to mind: if you haven't looked in that box in five years and have been living happily, you probably won't miss anything. OR...Go ahead and look through them and you most likely will realize you don't need anything in the box.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 173: Old Teacher Stuff

If any of you know teachers, you know they have a difficult time getting rid of idea books, workbooks, etc. A question came up today about old teaching books...what should I do with them? Well, Goodwill is an option as some homeschoolers or other teachers may want them. The trash is always available.

For those of you who have other kinds of idea books, Goodwill and the trash are options for you. If you have more than you need, get rid of them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 172: Wedding Dresses

Walking past an antique store yesterday, I noticed several wedding dresses in the window. They looked as though they were from the 70's, not exactly vintage, but I started thinking about wedding gowns. In watching one of those clean up shows, a lady had three wedding gowns she was holding onto. She hadn't worn any of them to marry her current husband.

Now, most of us don't have that issue, but what have you done with your wedding gown? Is it being saved for a daughter or neice? Would it fit your daughter, size or personality wise? Are you saving it because you loved it so much? I decided awhile back that my daughter probably wouldn't want mine, plus, it hadn't been packaged that well so it might not even hold up. Hopefully someone else was able to use it, or it ended up at an antique store.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 171: Paint Brushes

Normally I am a very environmentally green person. Getting ready for a big graduation weekend, we were cleaning, painting, doing yard work, etc. I repainted our doors and used oil base paint. In the interest of time, instead of cleaning the two brushes (that were old) with yucky paint thinner, I just let the paint dry on them and threw them away.

I'll try not to do that often, but it simplified my paint cabinet!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 170: Plastic Table Cloths

Our church used plastic table cloths for church dinners and there were some on the clean up committee who always wanted to just throw them away. Others insisted on wiping them down and reusing the perfectly fine coverings. I purchased two such covers for my son's graduation two years ago. Today I used them again for my daughter's graduation. Since there are going to be no more Stafford High grads in our family, at the end of the party, they went into the trash. Yes, I could have held onto them for memory sake, but I was egged on by some of our blog viewers to get rid of them. Yea!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 169: Under the Sink

Because of a dripping pipe, some items under a utility sink were waterlogged. They weren't anything I really needed and I was able to clean it all out and leave the area neater. Sometimes those mishaps are a blessing in disguise.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 168: The 50's & 60's: A Simpler Time

My daughter was watching "Bewitched" show from the 60's the other day. Both of us were struck as to how simple things seemed about the homes. The decor was tasteful, but not as busy and cluttered as you see today. I remember my grandparents' homes being the same way. They just didn't have as much sitting around or even on the walls.

We aren't supposed to say, "Those were the good days," so I won't. I'll just strive to keep my home a little simpler by keeping out unnecessary items.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 167: Ask Permission or Ask Forgiveness?

I am normally of the persuasion that it is better to ask permission before doing something than ask for forgiveness later. With simplifying, however, I am REALLY tempted to just get rid of other people's unused items and hope they never remember. That is treading in dangerous territory, I'm afraid.

I happened to mention the item from yesterday, the portable CD/radio/TV, to my son. He said he does use it sometimes....yeah, right. Well, I put it back...for now.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 166: Technology: Smaller and Better

Today's technology is getting smaller, yet it accomplishes much more. This is good news for those of us who want to simplify. I'm giving away a radio/TV/CD player my son had from middle school (he's 20.) His small phone does everything he needs, so we don't need the bulky boom box anymore.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 165: Prizes

We are all so excited to win raffles or other prizes. It's very hard to part with something you've won, because it's such a rare occurrance. After basking in your luck of the draw, think long and hard about what you won. Do I really want it? Can I regift it?

Today I put a large picture frame (10 x 13) in the give away box that a family member won a year ago and that we won't ever use.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 164: Grills

One of my friends won a contest by taking a photo of her old grill with plants growing out of it, rusting, etc. A grilling company/product sponsored it.

How is your grill looking these days? Do you have any extras that you just haven't dealt with? I found that the trash company will take them, just not the propane tank. I found someone who does catering that was happy to have my tank, then I just put out the delapitated grill with the trash.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 163: Simplify: one per day

I keep coming back to our theme because our goal is to simplify our lives by eliminating unneeded "stuff" or clutter in our homes. We have discovered that people are more important than things, and a clutter free home helps us be more willing to be hospitable to guests. After almost 6 months of decluttering at least one thing per day, I have made progress. Many of our extended family are coming in for my daughter's graduation, and I feel much less stressed about having guests because I have less clutter and the house stays neater on its own. It is truly freeing!

The beauty of "one thing per day" decluttering is that everyone can easily do it and it isn't overwhelming. We're trying to build good habits of not bringing in more "stuff" as readily and getting rid of what we don't need (and often don't even want.)

Another piece of clothing went in the box for Goodwill today.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 162: Seasons Change

In a climate where seasons change, it becomes easier for us to simplify our clothing as we pack away and get out items for the upcoming weather. Just as seasons change, our preferences (and sometimes sizes) change. As the heat of summer approaches, take this opportunity to sort clothing.

I put a piece of clothing in the give away box today.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 161: Items Inherited

My grandmother gave me a violin (crafted by her grandfather) before she died. It would have needed repair to work, but was a true antique. I had hoped to someday learn to play, but those lessons got put on the back burner. As this nice piece sat around my home for years, sometimes on display, mostly tucked away, I felt like I wasn't the right person for it. At a family reunion I decided to pass it on to the next generation, to my cousin's daughter who actually played the violin. She was so thrilled! It has stayed in the family, someone who can appreciate it even more has it and will keep it, perhaps even repair it so it can be used, and I haven't missed it.

Are you holding onto something just because it belonged to a person you loved, yet it could be more appreciated by someone else? Just something to ponder.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 160: Above and Beyond

I compromised my standards yesterday...I straightened up my daughter's room. She has had a rough year with a busy school and work schedule and had recently been sick, so I decided to help her out a little yesterday while she was gone. I found some shopping bags I threw out for her, took out clothes to be washed, and just "straightened,"...nothing too much. I normally make them do it themselves, but under the circumstances, I thought it might give her a boost. She hasn't noticed which shows how tired she is!

OK, I promise to not do that again any time soon. My goal is to train THEM to organize (when we have time!)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 159: Dried Up

Today I threw out a tube of tacky glue that had no lid and was probably extremely tacky and hard inside!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 158: More to Use

There's a freedom living day to day, I would think. In other countries, they don't store up food for a week. Daily, they go to the market and buy what they need for the meals that day. As an American, however, it would be hard to switch our mindset from always having things bought ahead.

The problem is, we don't just buy food ahead. We buy wrapping paper on sale, stationery, extra crayons and school supplies, etc. and then store it all. Sometimes we buy more of the same because we forget about what we already have. To add insult to injury, we have so much, it becomes "new" clutter because it was never used. Today, think about what you've bought ahead. Do you even know what you have? Can you use any of it in the next month? I found some sports printer paper I got on sale years ago and will use it for a newsletter at school this week.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 157: More Old Stuff

I found some expired season passes to various historic sites and threw them out today. Sometimes I've put them in the scrapbooks if it's a place we don't go much, but I already had much better photos of our visits to these places and, as you probably know and cringe, season pass photos are about as flattering as drivers' license photos.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 156: Outgrown Supplies

I put two used school binders into the give away box today. I had saved a couple that were still in good shape after the wear and tear my kids gave them for a year in school, intending that they would be used again the next. Unfortunately, they were overlooked and not reused. My last child is now almost done with high school and won't use them. I have a feeling that I will find more items in that category this summer.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 155: Spread the Decluttering

Today I'm putting a family member's two pieces of clothing in the Goodwill bin. It's always nice when your family notices what you are trying to accomplish and cooperates! I'm hoping MORE family members will get excited about decluttering as summer approaches. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 154: Use It or Lose It

We had a new waterheater put in over the winter. Being a lover of boxes because there are so many possibilities for using them, I asked my husband to have the plumber leave the box. I didn't have a definite idea for it, so it's been in our basement. Finally, I realized that the school year is ending and I'd better be creative quickly and use it before summer hits. Took it to school yesterday for the students to put their interactive games on it (like a big show board.) It's gone; it's being used; it is not clutter!

Are you saving things to use "later?" Perhaps set an end date so you know it has to be used by then or you will get rid of it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 153: Time Passes; Heart Grows Less Fond

Have you noticed in your simplifying ventures that things you really couldn't give up become less appealing after time? If you just can't bear to part with Great-aunt Molly's cow collection, put it away for awhile. In a couple years, you may realize that your attachment has diminished and you can find another home for those items.

I have found this concept to be true. It's worth trying!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 152: Just One

As the end of the school year approaches, it's nice to have to only put ONE thing out of our houses per day. It's a busy time for many people.

One piece of clothing in the give-away box.