Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fish Bowl

I didn't mean to scrutinize a stranger's dining room.  Really, I was just taking a walk with a flashlight at twilight, going a different direction than usual, and their drapes were wide open.  I couldn't help myself.  It was a huge picture window lit by the overhead light in the room.  I could tell it was a dining room only by the large table barely visible under piles of junk.  Even the window was blocked by old coolers, and piles of equipment that don't belong in a dining room.  Part of me thought, "Oh, if I could just help them, they'd have a lovely dining room space with a window to enjoy the view."

Since I don't know them and it's really not my place to tell them how to organize their room, I am getting my inner frustration out to my readers.  Today's one thing per day thought is to declutter your dining room table.  A centerpiece may stay, but piles of mail, school supplies, etc. need to go.  Let the space be open so family members and friends can sit and converse. never know when someone taking an evening walk might be able to see your clutter.

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