Friday, August 28, 2015

Unfinished Projects

We all have things around our homes that need attention.  Those chores nudge us whenever we pass the jeans that need hemming or the birdbath that needs to be spray painted.  For me, it's always a little defeating to realize I still have many things to do.  The more there is to do, the less simple our lives become.

In actuality, many of those chores will take less time than we think.  Sometimes not even planning to do it on a day, but just diving in when you have a half hour gets results and that's one more chore done!  Most things I've procrastinated doing go pretty quickly when I actually just start on a whim.

All summer I have thought, "I need to wire brush the bird bath and spray paint it."  Today is the last day of my summer break.  I was outside, and just thought, "It's now or never!"  Newspaper, spray paint, and a wire brush were all in the basement.  I brought them up, and in fifteen minutes, the project I had thought about all summer was done!

What's been bugging you to complete?  Just grab one thing and see if you can kick out that chore.  It is often simpler than you think!

Since this blog is dedicated to decluttering, if you've gotten to the place that you just don't care about a project being finished, get rid of it.  That is also a simple solution!

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