Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Craft and Hobby Stashes

Being an elementary school teacher, I'm often offered stuff:  toilet paper rolls, Leggs egg pantihose containers (which are sadly no more),  leftover fabric, yarn, paint, feathers, etc.  All of these can come in useful IF I have a certain project going.  However, storing it for the future can be a problem.

At home, we often store recyclables and extra craft supplies "just in case."  Keep in mind your stage of life.  Are you filling time on snow days with children?  Keep a stash of supplies to keep the little ones busy.  Are you a grandmother/grandfather who wants your grandchildren to have fun without electronics?  Keep a supply on hand.  Do you continually create crafts?  By all means, keep a healthy supply.  But…if you're like me, at an in-between having young children visit stage, seriously consider what you are keeping.  Stacks of cardboard can easily be replaced as can anything recyclable.  Odds and ends of fabric, ribbon, glitter, pipe cleaners, etc. can be bought when the need arises.

Check out your cache of crafting supplies.  Look to unload
items that could easily be replaced.  You can donate them to a daycare, teacher (gulp…), Sunday School, CCD teacher, or any place that works with children.  You might find that you can easily unload a bin of stuff and declutter in a big way.

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