Monday, September 19, 2011

Reasons I Keep Clutter

Here are some quotes for why people don't get rid of their clutter:  (again I borrow from the brilliant Don Aslett and the book Clutter Free)

1.  "It's in my blood."
2.  "I wouldn't have any identity without it."
3.  "I'm compulsive."
4.  "I can't let it go to waste."
5.  "It fits into my 'country' decor."
6.  "I collect these."
7.  "I'm a shopaholic."

Watch out for your mind making excuses and get rid of at least one item today!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see my excuse.. "I'm just lazy" up there ;) But I must admit that I've come a long way in these past, almost, 2 years with you! I'm still a work in progress but I'm pretty proud of myself so far :) Thanks, Simplify!
